
We created a special adaptation programme for our new children:


We expanded our adaptation programme in accordance with the personal needs of children. We offer a few verified adaptation solutions:

  • Individual adaptation meetings, for children, who starts to attend kindergarten in the middle of the school year. We organize individual adaptation programme. A programme is adjusted to the personal needs of our future pupils.


  • Fun and Play Saturday. We have meetings every Saturday, from March till June at 10:00 till 12:00.  Children can play with us on our free adaptation meetings. Classes are conducted in English and Polish at the same time.
  • Group Adaptation meetings in August.   You can stay with your child and spend time actively and creativle in our kindergarten. Our professionally trained teachers will ensure children  with a sense of security and the best adaptation. The detailed adaptation program is adjusted to the needs of the age group and it will be send  to parents in July.
  •  Meetings and trainings with our psychologist. August adaptation period in Kindergarten Zebra is preceded by a cycle of meetings with a psychologist, which aims to prepare parents for possible difficulties in children concerningly their adaptation. Pre-school psychologist from the first day accompanies children and parents  by supporting them during difficult moments.
  • In September we continue to support children in the process of adaptation. Teachers establish closer contact with children and their parents and build atmosphere of friendship and trust..

Thanks to our adaptation classes in the kindergarten Zebra, children have a sense of psychological security, as they can stay with their parents during those classes. This situation helps to our future preschoolers to discover kindergarten. While staying in the kindergarten in conditions of mental comfort, children can feel at ease, like at home.

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